At the top of Southend High Street, on the top level of the Victoria Shopping Centre will be a new makers market…
Local businesses, crafters and makers will be selling their products in a relaxed but bustling new market. All products will be handmade or created in the local area by some the talented residents of Southend.
You’ll find jewellery, stationary, art, photography, homeware, eco products, skin care, clothing and much much more!
Each month there will also be a range of creative activities available for you to have a go at! Come along and get creative!! Fun for all the family!
Most of these activities will be free whereas others may have a small charge (depending on the cost of the materials!)
We also often have live music performances! If you’d like to be involved email us at
This event is brought to you by ShowUp!Southend, The Design Cabin Community CIC and Indirock!
SHOW! UP SOUTHEND Website and Newsletter is brought to you by Show Up Productions. A Theatre Company based in Southend. Click here to visit their website